I’m hesitant to say that Cuba just wasn’t as amazing as I would have hoped. I really want to have enjoyed my experience there however, the weather was a bit rubbish most of the time, the food is boring and the double currency meant it wasn’t cheap and you always felt you were being ripped off.
A Great Day in the Parma Our Hands
I apologise for the awful punniness of that title. There is no excuse for it and we will simply have to move on.
Having the Cheesiest Time in Reggio Emilia
I had been getting a little bit cheesed off as I searched through multiple expensive tours of Reggio Emilia’s famous cuisine…
Sampling the Street Food of Yangshou
West Street is not for the faint hearted! We arrived hungry and ready to discover what Yangshou had to offer but were so completely overwhelmed and disorientated by the clash of aggressive beats blasting out of every venue, that we quickly scuttled back into the quiet of the side streets to catch our breath. This was quite a contrast to our relaxed life in Bali or previous few days in the sleepy city of Guilin!
Time for a Little Lucknow
Whilst planning a ten-day trip that needed to end in Delhi and include a visit to the Taj Mahal, I came across the city of Lucknow.
The Warren By The Water
As Uttar Pradesh’s second city, Varanasi conducts a vibrant cacophony of human activity. All aspects of life take place here, publically and relentlessly.